Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Light in the Window

2/2/2017 - As a novella I'm considering adding this to a few others and publishing it that way. I've added rear legs to the table and it looks much better. No you will not find a picture of this anywhere else as it is my little monster, stitched together from several pieces of a much larger and more ornate piece of furniture.

6/17/2016 - I have finished the writing of this project and been through two edits. I still have some concerns about the dates I'm using in the beginning that don't match the documented dates later on.
As usual with some of these projects the plot defies what my original concept had planned for. I eventually gave in and valiantly continued writing. Result is now Novella sized and the ending has totally changed from what I had planned. That doesn't mean it's a bad ending though, I don't write bad endings; at least not that I'm aware off... My thanks go out to my son-in-law for parts of the European history that are alluded to but I did my own research on watch and music box makers.

5/20/2016 -First update since inception!
While working on other projects I am considering how to smooth out the wrinkles in this one. The first chapter, and the several others already written have become the lynch pins upon which I will finish this story. Even though the first chapter alludes to certain things they will eventually be proven to be misconceptions; if I told you more specifics that would ruin the story. As a short story I may or may not put together a cover image. More later on as to progress.


My bad! I put this post in place several weeks ago and never wrote a word in it.
This story was originally supposed to be dark and mysterious. So much for that. It has turned itself into more of a forbidden romance between the poor young inventor and the daughter of a rich man who has other plans for his young lady. Plans wrapped around money and power. Like many stories I've written the beginnings to, this one didn't want to go the way I wanted it do and I ended up with a tangled mess for a plot. So I threw in another character (or two) and changed direction. Yes, the beginning is dark and brooding and it makes you wonder just what the old man has in the bag and its history. I know who made it and what its history is, but its purpose may be more complicated than I originally anticipated. No, it won't be a long story, and for now I guess, the ending is not as bleak. I just haven't figured out who gets the girl in the end. Oh well.

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